Sunday, April 15, 2012

With everything there can be HAPPINESS

Missing Susan! 
 This was an entry in my journal from the past few weeks. I thought I would share.

The simplest and kindest acts can really make someone's day. Today my parents left for the United States. It was spring break (Semana Santa) and they came for a week. It was really nice having them here. I got to show them my "life" for the past 3 months: school, home, beaches, mountains and the culture. It was amazing how my parents who speak no Spanish and Oky who speaks very little English were able to sit down and have dinner for 2 hours talking, pointing and smiling. Before that we went zip lining through the forest, high above the trees, zipping over canyons and looking at the volcano. We ended our trip with 2 days at a beach I have never been to, so we could experience it together. Salsa dancing, surfing and watching beautiful sunsets were what filled those last two days. Through this whole experience I continue to learn and appreciate new things such as flushing toilet paper down the toilet is a privilege, people love to talk about themselves, buses are fun for the first week as is walking everywhere, eating new food never gets old, but something I learned specifically on this trip with my parents is that family and friends are beautiful

I am writing this as I sip on a freshly made strawberry fruit drink, looking out onto a beach, alone. My parents just left so I kin of have a "lay-over" day until Erica gets here with her grandparents tomorrow. 

Anyways, back to what I said at the very beginning, "the simplest acts of kindness can make someone's day."  This morning I was laying on the beach when someone asked if I wanted surf lessons. I told him I took them two days ago and right now I really don't have the money to spend on it. He took that as let me sit down and talk to you for about an hour. We talked about family, life in Costa Rica, traveling, Samana Santa, who God is and what he means to each of us. It was awesome in the fact that I got to share my love for Christ, right there. I love those moments! He told me he had to continue making money, but he would be back soon and share his board with me. I didn't think anything of it. I just loved talking to someone. Sure enough, about an hour later he was back. "Are you ready?" he asked. I said, "for what?" " For a free surf lesson, " he added. So what he said would be a quick 15 minute lesson, turned out to be 2 hours of me getting bet by the water and getting to stand up and catch my own waves. He will  never know what his generosity meant to me that day. I think that it was so much God's blessing and gift of humility to let someone come to me, to allow me to share about God's love. I wonder if he remembers anything I said? 

Whoever gives to others will get richer; those who help others will themselves be helped. Proverbs 11:25

I think that 
La Fortuna Waterfall
with joy there comes peace, with peace there comes laughter, with laughter there comes happiness and with happiness there comes joy.

I guess it's one of those "chicken before the egg or egg before the chicken?" Either way, everyday we have the choice to embrace possibilities to reach out towards others and help begin this cycle of peace, joy, laughter and happiness. Will you give a happiness to someone today? It meant a lot to me.

Still going strong after 3 and a half months together!

Mom and me at the Bali Hot Springs in La Fortuna.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Lives

At Country Day School my students enjoy many things outside the immediate classroom. Between art, music, swimming, and Spanish every week the students learn math, science, reading, writing, history and more. They are busy, busy little things. I have loved the freedom in teaching here. Today I went to swimming class with my students to just watch them in the water. It’s so funny how their little personalities are already so dominate. Watching them do their butterfly kicks in their goggles and swim caps was entertaining to say the least. Even in the water I can see their qualities come surface.
Air resistance lesson feild trip to the high school.
The highest place we found to drop our twirlers.

This week they have been presenting their science fair projects for the class. Color changing milk, hopping coins, dry ice and more keep each student’s attention. I looked around and saw them anxiously anticipating each student’s presentation as they sat at the edge of their seats. As a future teacher, I hope that they keep that excitement throughout their lives. I know that at a younger age, school is exciting, new, interesting and investigative even, but as they get older it can become routine, dull and uninviting.

The biggest difference I have seen in Country Day and my past placements in the lower income portions of Tuscaloosa have been parent involvement and independent motivation. In order for someone to truly LOVE learning, they must internally feel that desire. These children are beautiful inside and out. I love hearing them go from Spanish to English in seconds as they enter the “English only” classroom. Although there are many differences between these schools, different languages, household influences, different cultures, different school routines, KIDS ARE STILL KIDS. They are still loving, defiant, silly, mischievous and most important forgiving. Our God is just so amazing.

Monday, January 30, 2012

So, it really does rain during the dry season.

What an amazing weekend!

Rafting down Rio Pacure:
This weekend we ventured to the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, but before making it to the beach we began our adventure on the Rio Pacuare, rafting. We began bright and early with a 2 hour ride to the river where we met our wonderful guide, Roberto. Next, a Costa Rican breakfast, rice and beans (gallo pinto), of course.

Our big breakfast before our big day.
Our guide Roberto and all of us. Roberto called me "trouble maker".
After that it was off to the river. When we got to the river we were all expecting the water to be darker and kind of muddy. When we arrived the water was crystal clear, with green and blue hints of color, absolutely breathtaking. After our crash course in rafting we headed out on the waters. I think the pictures can explain it better than words:

We're ready!
Lunch break
Isn't that incredibly beautiful. We floated through here!

Our raft: Roberto, Me, Kelly, Erica, (the really quite guy from NY), Stephanie and Jessica's taking the picture.
The rapids were beautiful.

"High five"
As we were rafting two things happened: first, a local paddling along asked if I was married. Our guide new him and let The Lion King’s monkey “Rafiki” (That’s what I decided he looked like and should be called.) take me in his banana boat down a little rapid. It was so much fun! After I got back into the raft he said that it was a “short love”. He was a little crazy.

"Rafiki" pulling me into his "boat". When I gave him his name and told him he reminded me of a crazy monkey  he said, "Me gusta El Lion King." (I like The Lion King.)
Second, as we began heading in two local children jumped in our raft. I think the picture explains it all!

They loved the short ride. 
We had such an amazing time!

Our Treehouse stay in Cahuita:
After our ride from the river we were happy to put our things down and explore the tiny town of Cahuita. What better place to lay your stuff down than a treehouse! We stayed in a little two story “treehouse” like place. We had so much fun playing house before dinner.

Home Sweet Home
Erica and my "room". Let me point out our sheet. Just one:)
Told you it was a "treehouse!"
Stephanie and I playing house.
We feel as exhausted as we look:)
After watching the sunrise on Sunday morning we all went for a walk through the Cahuita National Rainforest. With monkey’s above our heads, beautiful birds around us and the sound of the waves crashing no one would have thought during the “dry season” of Costa Rica, rain would downpour, but oh did it ever! We rain back through the forest only to get more soaked once we got out from under our canopy of trees. Pura Vida, verdad? (It’s life, right?) It was one way to end our beautiful weekend to the Caribbean side.

Oh, yeah! We're walking through the rain forest.

Our traditional hostel group picture, this time in the rain.

Monday, January 16, 2012

La playa de Jaco y el primero dia de Country Day School

Jaco Beach
Wow, what a crazy few days! This Saturday we ventured on our first weekend adventure, la playa de Jaco. First of all the most important thing you need to do when staying a long period of time in Costa Rica is find a wonderful taxi driver and never let him go. Lucky for us, Oky has a friend. (Well, she has many friends, as she has told us.) His name is Alfredo and he is as cute and sweet as his name sounds. He loves his granddaughter. He told us she was his heart. Anyways, Alfredo picked us up early Saturday morning and brought us to the bus station in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, about 10 minutes away. The bus stop in San Jose can be quite intimidating at first. With people coming and going, taxi drivers trying to make a little extra money, and lines winding in and out of the ticket booth, I was a little bit scared, but with my awesome new friends we all got tickets to board the bus for Jaco at 8. What an experience in itself. Just to let you know, I am a walking American billboard, if you don't remember my blonde hair and blue eyes. We are all distracting. 
Well, 2 hours and a nap later we arrived in Jaco. We quickly found the dark sand and high wave beach! It was beautiful. To our left we mountains. To our right were mountains and all around us was the thick, dark, volcanic sand. Erica and I went for a walk to the far right side of the beach where there were waves splashing up against the rocks like you see in the movies. We tried to walk and do the famous pose that Ariel does in The Little Mermaid, but it isn't as easy as you would think. We loved it all. That night we found a hostel, walked around the town and ate at a local restaurant. It was a beautiful day. God's power to create such beauty around us is just breathe taking. We have an awe-inspiring, all worthy creator. The next morning we went back on the beach for a few hours and met some locals and learned about the area for next time. Unfortunately, as we were getting on our bus 2 of my friends bags were stolen. Luckily, nothing too valuable was stolen, but it still was hurtful and exhausting. Not the way anyone would want to end their trip. We all got home safely that night with once again the help from our friend Alfredo picking us up at the buses. All and all it was a fantastic trip, minus, of course, our mishap in the end.
Eating in the open air.

Mi amiga erica.

On the beach! We are so "blanco".

Night life in Jaco. We look so beautiful, especially Kelly.

Outside our room at the hostel by the pool.

Our awkward "Christmas card" photo. Bye Bye Jaco.

Country Day School
Today was my first day as an intern. Crazy, crazy, crazy. The kids don't get there until tomorrow, so this was wonderful in that I really got to know my teacher and team. We went to grade level meetings that were spent discussing areas in which students need help and how those needs could be met. FANTASTIC! The principal is wonderful. He met with all of us and gave us advice about the area and them just encouraged us and laughed with us. I felt as comfortable as any intern can feel. The school is beautiful and I love it already!


Friday, January 13, 2012

La tierra le gusta el sol

Today we went to the school and saw are classrooms. Every building in Costa Rica welcomes the outside air. The hallways at Country Day School are outside with awnings and flowers covering the gates. There are fields in the back and pathways throughout the school that just crave sunlight. It is very beautiful. After our visit we went to our first real Costa Rican resturant, La Casana de Laly. When you walk into the actual room in which you eat, you are once again "outside". The center of the restaurant had a cover but the back was open. We had fun reading the menus. I tried something new and really didn't like it, but hey, I tried something new.

Everyone is here so our "such" American names can be Costa Rican-fied: Erica "Edreeka", Jessica "Yessecah", Stephanie "Stefahniee" Kelly "Kejy" and Lauren "Lowrren". We LOVE it.

Tomorrow morning we take up a new adventure, the bus, a la playa (to the beach).

I am feeling more and more at home everyday. The hills are still a killer, but the journey in between is worth it.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When in Rome or... Costa Rica

Dia Uno

get off plane and land in foreign country... check
wander aimlessly through an airport... check
make it through customs... check
look for man holding sign... check
follow that man holding your name... check
get into sketchy car with man, name unknown... check
look at Erica and say "what the el"... check
arrive at Oky's... check
speak broken spanish/english... check
smile at Oky ALOT... check
unpack... check
eat first costa rican dinner... check
think how truly blessed I am... check

Dia Dos

Erica and I got to spend the day together. I woke up to two men in the kitchen complaining about how the broken refrigerator could not fit out the door. FYI the refrigerator, internet and lights don't work. Oky feels awful, I find it to be God's sense of humor. Oky is a member of the Country Club and insisted we enjoy ourselves at the pool while she cleaned the kitchen. She is such a hard worker. After that Erica and I were feeling adventurous and decided to walk back to my place. We got to speak our wonderful broken spanish while we ordered lunch. It consisted of a lot of pointing, nodding, smiling and sign language. She was patient to say the least. Our rest of our day consisted of a Walmart visit, money exchange and getting lost on our way back to Erica's. Erica and I live about 2 miles apart, up hill both ways! I loved today. I got to see the town, speak spanish and have complete faith in God getting us from point A to point B.

Oky calls me her "adopted daughter".  Although I am far away from home, God gives me comfort in a feeling of family while I am away from mine.

Pura Vida

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Christmas to Remember

Although I am unbelievably thankful for the opportunity to serve and teach children in Costa Rica. This Christmas I had a lot more to be thankful for.
Job 9:10 says, "His great works are too marvelous to understand. He performs miracles without number." 
Psalm 19:1, "The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship." 
Isaiah 44:24, "I am the LORD, who made all things. I alone stretched out the heavens. By myself I made the earth and everything in it."

'Twas the day of Christmas, when all through the house. 
Not a creature was was quiet not even the cat. 
The stockings were stuffed overflowing in fact,
In hopes that everyone would love what's inside.

The children were jumping up and down when they saw their new bikes,
and their visions of bikes, toys and clothes came to life through their eyes.
And Q in her Christmas PJ's and Zion in his Christmas tights,
we had just settled down for a quick morning snack.

When all of a sudden I took a quick look around,
and saw the greatest Christmas gift of all,

A family not defined by birth but by love truly bound,
Christmas was spent in many colors, backgrounds, tall and small,
but more importantly it was spent with family after all.

Missing in the pictures: Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa (packed house!)