Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Lives

At Country Day School my students enjoy many things outside the immediate classroom. Between art, music, swimming, and Spanish every week the students learn math, science, reading, writing, history and more. They are busy, busy little things. I have loved the freedom in teaching here. Today I went to swimming class with my students to just watch them in the water. It’s so funny how their little personalities are already so dominate. Watching them do their butterfly kicks in their goggles and swim caps was entertaining to say the least. Even in the water I can see their qualities come surface.
Air resistance lesson feild trip to the high school.
The highest place we found to drop our twirlers.

This week they have been presenting their science fair projects for the class. Color changing milk, hopping coins, dry ice and more keep each student’s attention. I looked around and saw them anxiously anticipating each student’s presentation as they sat at the edge of their seats. As a future teacher, I hope that they keep that excitement throughout their lives. I know that at a younger age, school is exciting, new, interesting and investigative even, but as they get older it can become routine, dull and uninviting.

The biggest difference I have seen in Country Day and my past placements in the lower income portions of Tuscaloosa have been parent involvement and independent motivation. In order for someone to truly LOVE learning, they must internally feel that desire. These children are beautiful inside and out. I love hearing them go from Spanish to English in seconds as they enter the “English only” classroom. Although there are many differences between these schools, different languages, household influences, different cultures, different school routines, KIDS ARE STILL KIDS. They are still loving, defiant, silly, mischievous and most important forgiving. Our God is just so amazing.

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