Sunday, April 15, 2012

With everything there can be HAPPINESS

Missing Susan! 
 This was an entry in my journal from the past few weeks. I thought I would share.

The simplest and kindest acts can really make someone's day. Today my parents left for the United States. It was spring break (Semana Santa) and they came for a week. It was really nice having them here. I got to show them my "life" for the past 3 months: school, home, beaches, mountains and the culture. It was amazing how my parents who speak no Spanish and Oky who speaks very little English were able to sit down and have dinner for 2 hours talking, pointing and smiling. Before that we went zip lining through the forest, high above the trees, zipping over canyons and looking at the volcano. We ended our trip with 2 days at a beach I have never been to, so we could experience it together. Salsa dancing, surfing and watching beautiful sunsets were what filled those last two days. Through this whole experience I continue to learn and appreciate new things such as flushing toilet paper down the toilet is a privilege, people love to talk about themselves, buses are fun for the first week as is walking everywhere, eating new food never gets old, but something I learned specifically on this trip with my parents is that family and friends are beautiful

I am writing this as I sip on a freshly made strawberry fruit drink, looking out onto a beach, alone. My parents just left so I kin of have a "lay-over" day until Erica gets here with her grandparents tomorrow. 

Anyways, back to what I said at the very beginning, "the simplest acts of kindness can make someone's day."  This morning I was laying on the beach when someone asked if I wanted surf lessons. I told him I took them two days ago and right now I really don't have the money to spend on it. He took that as let me sit down and talk to you for about an hour. We talked about family, life in Costa Rica, traveling, Samana Santa, who God is and what he means to each of us. It was awesome in the fact that I got to share my love for Christ, right there. I love those moments! He told me he had to continue making money, but he would be back soon and share his board with me. I didn't think anything of it. I just loved talking to someone. Sure enough, about an hour later he was back. "Are you ready?" he asked. I said, "for what?" " For a free surf lesson, " he added. So what he said would be a quick 15 minute lesson, turned out to be 2 hours of me getting bet by the water and getting to stand up and catch my own waves. He will  never know what his generosity meant to me that day. I think that it was so much God's blessing and gift of humility to let someone come to me, to allow me to share about God's love. I wonder if he remembers anything I said? 

Whoever gives to others will get richer; those who help others will themselves be helped. Proverbs 11:25

I think that 
La Fortuna Waterfall
with joy there comes peace, with peace there comes laughter, with laughter there comes happiness and with happiness there comes joy.

I guess it's one of those "chicken before the egg or egg before the chicken?" Either way, everyday we have the choice to embrace possibilities to reach out towards others and help begin this cycle of peace, joy, laughter and happiness. Will you give a happiness to someone today? It meant a lot to me.

Still going strong after 3 and a half months together!

Mom and me at the Bali Hot Springs in La Fortuna.